Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Getting up to Speed

So, many of you know that the invetro that we did last January/February worked.  I found out on 2/15/13 that I was pregnant, shortly after that I found out we were having twins! We were both super excited about this.  I had a super easy pregnancy.  I felt good up until the end.

The birth story 9/20/13:
On Wednesday 9/18/13 I had my normal weekly check up with my OB/GYN.  Everything checked out ok, except my blood pressure, it was 120/90.  Some may think that this isn't too bad, but for myself, this is extremely high.  Throughout my pregnancy I had always been on the lower side.  My doctor didn't seem too concerned with these numbers and sent me home with a "I'll see ya next week here in the office for another check."  I went home feeling tired, but normal.  On Thursday evening, I wasn't feeling that great, I thought my stomach was upset from something I ate.  I slept ok that night. On Friday 9/20, I woke up feeling awful.  My stomach was killing me and I was extremely tired.  I went to work and asked one of my coworkers if she could take my blood pressure.  I thought this could be the source of the problem.  It was 140/100.  One of our cardiologist happen to be sitting next to me and heard the result.  He suggested I sit for a couple of minutes and then get another reading.  After sitting for five minutes, the BP came down to a whooping 138/98.  I asked if I should call the doctor and we decided to monitor it throughout the morning.  I worked for a couple of hours and we did another check, it was 147/100, it was time to call the doctor.  I made the call and they sent me to the hospital.
For those of you that don't know, my work place is connected to the hospital, so I made a phone call to Brett to let him know that I was going to the hospital and that he should probably meet me there.  One of my coworkers got a wheel chair and wheeled me over to the hospital and also waited with me till Brett got there. At 10:39am I was hooked up to the monitors which showed I was having some mild contractions.   I also had lab work drawn, when the doctor was able to take a look at the results, she didn't like what she saw.  I was on my way to preeclampsia.  The doctor decided it was best to have the babies that day.
Now, Brett and I already had a c-section scheduled for October 4, so I was not heart broken that I was going to have a csection that day.  I never had it in my head that I was going to have a natural birth.  We had an estimated time of about 4:00pm that I would go back and have these babies.  I was both excited and nervous for obvious reasons. I went back to the OR, sat on the table and was getting ready for the spinal tap, to find out that the doctor had to deliver another baby first.  I thought no big deal, we went back to the room I started in and waited, and waited, and waited, at about 7:00pm, it was finally our turn.  At 7:57pm Addilynn Grace was born and 7:58pm Maxwell Joshua was born!

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