Thursday, October 18, 2012

Trying Again

I had my appt with Dr Jarrett last week Friday.  He wasn't happy with the outcome, but was very happy with everything else.  He said that my numbers looked great and my egg count was awesome. He did confirm that I was pregnant and as to why the eggs didn't implant is obviously out of our control.  He said with great confidence that the IVF will work, if it was something that we wanted to try again.  Brett and I talked about and decided to give it one more chance.  Once we figure out how to fill our bank account again, we will go for it.  If I have learned anything through this process it is to never give up on something you think about every day.  I have to tell myself, "It will happen, one way or another, It will happen."

Thank You

I obviously have no idea who these are from, but I wanted to say Thank You! It means so much to me and Brett that we have so many people thinking and praying for us.  Thank You!