Wednesday, June 20, 2012


So I've heard I left a lot of people high and dry.  Sorry 'bout that.  Our news in Indy wasn't exactly what we wanted to hear.  It took a few days to get over the news and to move on.  I had the ultrasound and found that I wasn't progressing as far as they thought I would.  Big surprise, I know.  My body just seems to do what it wants to do.  There were a couple of follicles, but they weren't very big.  They left me with instructions to increase my meds and have another ultrasound in South Bend on Tuesday June 12. 

Our trip to Indy wasn't completely wasted.  We were able to hang out with our very dear friend.  We went to the Children's Museum in Indy (it was 90 degrees and there was no way we were going to survive the zoo) and went out for a very good sushi dinner. 

                                                     Brett and I in the Lego exhibit

                                                 Brijan and Brett racing their coins
                                                This is me riding the nickle horse

I will keep the best news for last.  On Tuesday June 12, the ultrasound tech in South Bend didn't see much and thought I would be back to see her later in the week.  I got a call later that afternoon from Dr Jarrett's office stating he wanted me down in Indy on Thursday June 14 for an IUI!! I have no idea what he saw or what the tech didn't see, but an IUI is what we did.  Now we wait.  I wait like all the other normal women out there.  I am trying to stay positive, but realistic, if that makes any sense?  We are super excited and look forward to knowing what the future holds.  Now that your "in the know" :) we ask for prayers. 


  1. I've been following your story. Prayers from our family. I admire your perseverance despite some unexpected set backs. Wishing all the best for you!!!!

  2. Hi Megan. Fingers crossed and candles lit. And know that Chris and I are there for you whatever you need from a shoulder to a dogsitter. Love and prayers. Emily

  3. How exciting! Will be praying for you as you patiently wait!
